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Webinar: Glimpse of Tomorrow’s Decision Support Technologies for Industry

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

On November 25th from 9:00-11:00 there is a unique opportunity for you to take part of a digital event presenting the latest research from the research profile VF-KDO. For this event, seven demonstrators will give you a glimpse of the research carried out within the profile's seven subject areas. A demonstrator is a physical or virtual prototype that demonstrates the practical value of a research result.

For example, we’ll give you the latest discoveries from research projects within human robot cooperation, tool indexing optimization and solutions visualization using HoloLens to knowledge discovery and visualization using the OPT-Browser (optimization platform developed at the University of Skövde).

Streamed from our unique Virtual Decision Making room

This event is a zoom webinar. It will be live-streamed from the VDM-room at ASSAR. In many ways this room is identical to the “war room” concept in business or industry: equipped with big screens surrounding the inside of the room and VR/AR devices for the participants to have group meetings that involve strategic, tactical and decision-making activities. A room that our industrial partners and companies will be able to borrow for their decision-making activities.

When: Nov 25th Time: 9:00-11:00 How: Via zoom. Sign up below and we'll send out the link the day before.


09:00 Project leaders Amos Ng and Anna Syberfeldt gives a brief introduction to VF-KDO

09:05 Vice-Chancellor of the University of Skövde, Lars Niklasson

09:10 Amos Ng introduces the OPT optimization platform developed at the University of Skövde and the seven demonstrators and their speakers as well as which partner companies are involved

09:15 Robotic cell layout and configuration optimization using OPT, ABB, RobotStudio and HoloLens, presented by Bernard Schmidt and Ingemar Karlsson

09:30 Multi-objective optimization of tool indexing problem (MOOTIP): results with Volvo Car Engine indexing optimization and solutions visualization by using HoloLens smart glasses, presented by Kaveh Amouzgar and Ingemar Karlsson

09:45 Conveyor line optimization by using OPT and Flexlink Design Simulator, presented by Amos Ng, Adrian Sánchez de Ocãna Torroba and Tommy Fassberg from Flexlink

10:00 Optimization of ergonomics and productivity using EPP, IPS IMMA and OPT - Use case at Scania Smart Factory, presented by Aitor Iriondo Pascual and Dan Högberg

10:15 Case from Volvo Group will show how human-robot collaboration can be improved with the support of virtual manufacturing and VR, presented by Niklas Land and Anna Syberfeldt

10:30 Knowledge discovery and visualization using flexible pattern mining in the OPT Browser, presented by Henrik Smedberg and Sunith Bandaru

10:45 Linking engineering activities, virtual models, knowledge and decisions together with Manage-Link, presented by Iman Morshedzadeh and Henrik Smedberg.

The VF-KDO is coordinated by the University of Skövde and Volvo Group, Volvo Car Engine, SCANIA, IKEA Industry, FlexLink, Arla Foods Götene and ABB work together in the profile.

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