Two weeks ago it was the start of the Swedish Production Symposium #sps2022 and we welcomed over 180 colleagues to The University of Skövde and ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena. For three days we’ll dug deep into #industry5.
In 2022 SPS was hosted by the University of Skövde April 26-29th, the symposium had four keynote speakers, three vision talk speakers and over 80 parallell presentations and workshops. Among the 69 papers sent in to SPS2022, four were assigned the Best Paper Award.
Best Paper Award
Melanie Despeisse for How environmentally sustainable is the on-going industrial digitalization? Global trends and a Swedish perspective.
Jennie Åkesson, Angelina Sundström, Koteshwar Chirumalla and Glenn Johansson for Exploring challenges to design Product-Service Systems in SMEs – A case study.
Camilla Lundgren, Jon Bokrantz and Anders Skoogh for Hindering factors in Smart Maintenance Implementation.
Filip Skärin, Carin Rösiö and Ann-Louise Andersen for Considering sustainability in reconfigurable manufacturing systems research – a literature review.
In this video, with clips from the event, you'll meet two of our conference chairs Amos H.C. Ng and Anna Syberfeldt and SPS2022's keynote speakers Andie Zhang (ABB) Thomas Lezama (Volvo Group), Jenny Elfsberg (Vinnova) and Henric Johnson (Business Sweden).