We are happy to announce that we have a new partner in the profile, Skandia Elevator. Skandia Elevator is the industry leader in conveying grain - a type of material handling device designed to move grains from one place to another. The company create turnkey solutions that are based on specific customer requirements.
The school of engineering science at the University of Skövde has had a fruitful relationship with Skandia Elevator for years, and recently the relationship deepened when Skandia Elevator became part of VF-KDO. Jerry Olsson, Quality and production technical manager, says that the company is interested in more or less all subject-areas, but that Robot, Link and Human are particularly interesting.
- We are a growing company on both the product side, with more and more advanced products, but also digital cloud services where our equipment is connected via IoT solutions etc. (Grain clouds). This put a great demand on both us that is working at Skandia Elevator, on our production and on our product development. In that sense it is important for us to be part of VF-KDO, says Jerry Olsson.

Better decision-making
Jerry Olsson says that they wish to increase their use of virtual simulation, that it can benefit Skandia Elevator both when developing new processes and altering existing ones.
- Being able to virtually simulate different options, whether it is an isolated production unit or a potential expansion of the factory, will help us make better decisions before implementation. I believe that we can learn a lot from the ongoing research and case studies made so far in VF-KDO in this, says Jerry Olsson.
Include the staff
Jerry Olsson continues to talk about the importance of including the staff on the digital transformation journey:
- The staff are the developers and administrators of Skandia Elevator's processes. Having everyone onboard is the most important factor for success. To get everyone onboard we have to analyze our everyday life here at Skandia Elevator, question everything do we to make room for transformation. Having the support and discussion forum in VF-KDO, the other partners and the researchers, feels comforting, says Jerry Olsson.

Make use of all data
Like many other companies, Skandia Elevator collect huge amount of data, and just like most companies – they could collect even more. This is data that can improve quality and efficiency - both leading to increased competitiveness.
-The challenge we have, which I'm sure many others can relate to, is to structure all the data and make it understandable. We are doing what we can, but I am sure we have miles to go. This is a journey we have to start, as every step of the day is lead to better decision-making. So yes, I have high hopes on these coming four years in the VF-KDO profile, concludes Jerry Olsson.