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Courses for professionals in industry is based on VF-KDO research

On December 17th 2020, the Knowledge Foundation announced that the University of Skövde will be granted SEK 27 million SEK to develop courses in digital transformation for professionals in industry.

The project, which goes by the name WISER, will over the next four years create competence-enhancing initiatives in, among other things, future technologies, organizational development and leadership. About 20 companies have already joined, and more are queuing up. The courses will start in the fall of 2021 and will be available for all professionals. A majority of the courses offered will use research outcomes from VF-KDO.

- All of us that have worked with WISER are so happy. What a Christmas gift! Digitization is going at a furious pace and if Sweden is to maintain its competitiveness, we must get new knowledge into people. Learning about and learning more is crucial for Sweden to succeed, says Tehseen Aslam, Deputy Vice-Chancellor responsible for collaboration with trade and industry at the University of Skövde, sub-project manager for WISER and subject area leader for FLOW.

More information about WISER can be found on the University website.

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